
Building the Leondrino Standard since 2014.

Initial Idea for the Leondrino Concept
Initial Idea for the Leondrino Concept
Apr 2011

Originally, the idea of private branded currencies was intended for the music industry as an additional feature of the Leondra music Business Platform.  Soon it became obvious, that the concept is applicable for various industries such as mobility, health sector, food and hospitality, entertainment – serving both startups and enterprises.

Research and Test
Research and Test
Apr 2011 through Oct 2014

Research and test state-of-the art technology and monitoring of regulatory initiatives regarding “virtual currencies”.

Expansion of the Leondrino Concept
Nov 2013 through Oct 2014

Expansion of the Leondrino concept from music bands to startups and enterprises: use cases, macro and micro models.

Animation of The Leondrino Core Idea
Feb 2014

Using the example of a music band, this animation of February 2014 gives you an introduction of the Leondrino core idea.

Spin-off Leondrino IP Into a Separate New Company
Spin-off Leondrino IP Into a Separate New Company
Nov 2014

Decision for US entity triggered by BitLicense framework of New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS).

Test With Different Implementations of Blockchain
Dec 2014 through Sep 2016

Test with different implementations of blockchain and other Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) solutions as basis for our Leondrino Platform in context of requirements of enterprise prospects.

BITKOM Conference About Bitcoin And Blockchain
Jun 2015

During BITKOM Conference about Bitcoin and Blockchain: Call for special economic zone (Sonderwirtschaftszone) for blockchain and especially Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) for the city of Berlin/Germany.

Launch of the Leondrino Wallet 1.0 at IFA Berlin
Sep 2015

The Leondrino Wallet was mentioned in the top 10 trends at IFA Berlin 2015 and promoted with this flyer.

Presentation of The Leondrino Concept
Presentation of The Leondrino Concept
Dez 2016

Presentation of the Leondrino concept at the 22nd Handelsblatt Conference about banking technology 2016 in Frankfurt in the presence of board members of the European Central Bank and Deutsche Bundesbank.

Presentation at Finovate Spring 2017, San Jose/ California
Apr 2017

This video shows Sandra Leonie Ritter (CEO of Leondrino Exchange) giving a live demo of the Leondrino Wallet at Finovate Spring 2017 in San José/Silicon Valley.

Leondrino TestNet version 1.0
Jul 2017

Internal testnet on newest BigchainDB release.

Aug 2017 through Oct 2017

Optimization of the Leondrino Wallet and testnet deployment for multi-team development and scalability at low cost.

Announcement of First Publicly Listed Customer
Announcement of First Publicly Listed Customer
Nov 16, 2017

Ad-hoc disclosure of our first publicly listed customer announcing its own digital currency for its social VR network.

Clarifications on Regulatory Issues For Leondrino Token Classes E, D and C
Jan 2018 through Oct 2018

Clarifications on regulatory issues for Leondrino as standardized token design for enterprises, especially for initial token classes E, D and C in the US, Germany and Switzerland

Initial Token Sale of First Publicly Listed Customer
Initial Token Sale of First Publicly Listed Customer
20. Jun 2018

The Initial Token Sale of the STARAMBA.Token started on June 20, 2018. In the run-up to the public pre-sale, more than 35,000 potential buyers have already registered for the STARAMBA.token. Within a very short time, the first tranche was sold out to professional investors with a total of 100 million tokens.

Launch of Restricted Trade Mode
Launch of Restricted Trade Mode
Dec 2018

Launch of Restricted Trade functionality was on December 17, 2018. Since that date, Leondrino Wallet users have access to the Restricted Trade Mode of Leondrino Exchange through their Trading accounts of Class C Tokens that are already eligible for trading.

Adaptation of Regulatory Issues due to new Circumstances
May – Dec 2019

Active support in the creation of a cryptocurrency license via our BITKOM membership. Clarification of the classification of Leondrino as utility tokens in Germany.

Token Rollout Start of the Restaurant Token LEAF
Q1 2019

The LEAF token is designed as a digital means of payment and customer loyalty instrument for the restaurant and hospitality industry. Further information on the token.

Leondrino TestNet version 2.0
Jan – Dec 2019

Testing Leondrino smart contracts on proof of authority – based chain (Parity).

Receipt of the Provisional Crypto Custody License
Q1 2020

Leondrino Germany is classified as a financial institution by BaFin and was provisionally already granted the brand new license for the crypto custody business. The new regulation of the crypto custody business came into force on January 1, 2020 .

Benchmark Tests of the Leondrino TestNet on Parity Version
starting in Q2 2020

Load tests in the form of first Leondrino benchmarks of the parity version of the Leondrino TestNet on Linux ONE in partnership with IBM. Preparation of additional load tests on an alternative blockchain stack with adapted Leondrino Smart Contract / Chain Code.

Launch Leondrino Pay App
Launch Leondrino Pay App
Jul 2020

The Leondrino Pay app can be installed by downloading it from the app stores of Google and Apple. After connecting it to the Leondrino Wallet, users can use the app both for paying with tokens and as an authenticator app.

Sales Initiative for Specific Target Groups
starting in Q4 2020

Next growth steps including internationalization depending on planned round of financing. After initial focus on selected customers extended sales activities.

Launch Leondrino Wallet Release 3.0
Launch Leondrino Wallet Release 3.0
Dec 2020

New product generation with completely new micro-service oriented architecture and modernized user interface.

Start of the XLEO Token Sale
from Feb 26, 2021

Step by step, the XLEO token is brought to the market. The XLEO is designed to become the bridge and reserve currency of the Leondrino Ecosystem. For further information on the XLEO Token Sale and its sales phases please visit XLEO (

Token Rollout Start of the Climate Protection Token EMC
Q3 2021

This climate protection currency should serve as a seal of quality for climate-neutral energy, products and services. By choosing the EMC as means of payment, users should be able to actively support the fight against global warming. Furhter information about the token.

Token Rollout Start of the Sports365 Token
Q2 2022

The Sporst365 token is the first token with potential for a whole industry segment. Further information on the token.

Withdrawal of License Application for Crypto Custody Business under National Law and Focus on EU-wide License under MiCA Regulation
Q4 2022

The application for a national license for the crypto custody business has been withdrawn, as Leondrino’s present business up to and including token class C is exempt from a permit. We will submit a new application for a license to the BaFin for the business for the Leondrino token classes B and A, which is likely to require authorization, as soon as the MiCA regulation valid for Europe has been implemented into national law with a passportable license. The focus is on cost awareness, and the decision was made not to onboard any new B2B customers until there is regulatory clarity.

Alternative Blockchain Stack – Test on Algorand
starting end of 2022 and in 2023

Alternative extensive load testing of the first Leondrino benchmarks on the Algorand blockchain and preparation of further tests on alternative blockchain stacks. The decision on the final blockchain technology stack for the Leondrino MainNet and thus the production environment of the Leondrino Token Classes B and A will have a significant impact on the future of digital corporate currencies and is a key factor in ensuring the scalability and security of the Leondrino Platform.

Preparation for Growth in the Context of MiCAR

Further development of the Leondrino Lifecycle (relevant for Leondrino Token Classes B and A), taking into account the imminent Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCAR) and creating the prerequisites to meet the MiCAR requirements including the necessary financial reach. Preparation of the production environment for the Leondrino MainNet as one DLT environment for Leondrino (corporate currencies).

First Leondrino Switch to Token Class B
to be announced

With the switch from Leondrino Token Class C to B, the first corporate tokens of Leondrino customers migrate to the Leondrino MainNet. First external exchanges will be integrated. This step will take place as soon as all regulatory and tax law issues for the token classes B and A have been clarified in parallel with the implementation of the MiCA regulation in Germany.