Information For Professional Traders/Investors
!!! Info on the XLEO Momentum Special (with deadlines on November 5, 2024, and January 31, 2025) see below !!!
To get exclusive insights into attractive investment targets of the new asset class of corporate currencies, please visit Leondrino for Wealth Managers and take part in our Leondrino Webinars.

How to Invest in Leondrino Currencies
As a consumers and retail investors (that don´t qualify as accredited investors):
Register as Leondrino User and open a Leondrino Wallet. Select the Leondrino Currencies (branded tokens) you want to buy. Please follow the instructions how to buy Leondrino Currencies inside the Leondrino Wallet. Please be aware that the number of tokens per Leondrino Currency you can buy depends on your user category and on the token class (→ see also information on Leondrino Token Classes). As current example, please check out the restaurant currency LEAF (→ see If you select LEAF inside your Wallet and click on the buy button then you will be redirected to its token sale page providing available payment methods and currencies that are currently accepted for purchasing the LEAF Leondrino. You can also check out the climate protection token EMC or our bridge and reserve currency called XLEO.
As a professional investors, wealth managers, family offices, VC, Token, or ICO Funds:
If you plan to invest bigger sums, please approach us directly using our email address or the investor contact data of the company that issues the Leondrino you want to invest in. You will get information material and a contract proposal for a purchasing agreement (SAFT – simple agreement on future tokens) and/or a contract proposal to sign a loan with the option to convert into token after they are available for public trade (also called Leondrino convertible). An attractive discount is offered depending on the size and date of your committment.
How to Invest in XLEO – the Native Token of the Leondrino Ecosystem
As a Consumer/Retail Investor:
Register as Leondrino User and open a Leondrino Wallet. Maintain your user porfile and identify yourself (Leondrino KYC Check) to be allowed to use the Leondrino Platform. Select the XLEO Token (→ see and add it to your wallet. Follow the instructions to buy the XLEO Token in the Leondrino Wallet. The moment you click on buy button you are provided with the token sale terms you have to accept first, before you are redirected to the token sale page. This page displays all information about the XLEO token sale including available payment methods and accepted currencies. Please note that the number of tokens that you can purchase via the Leondrino Wallet is limited depending on your user classification and the Leondrino Token Class to which the XLEO Token belongs to.
As a Professional Investor (wealth manager, family office, VC, Token, or ICO Funds):
Since February 2021, private investors and wealth managers who work for a family office, VC or token fund and want to invest larger amounts can also invest in the XLEO Token (→ see
Depending on the size and date of your commitment, an attractive discount is offered. You will receive information material and a contract proposal for a purchase agreement (Leondrino SAFT agreement) and/or a contract proposal to sign a loan with the option to convert into tokens after they are available for public trade (Leondrino Convertible Note). Interested private investors or wealth managers working for a Family Office, VC, or Token Fund are invited to contact us via email at with the subject “XLEO Token” and the desired investment amount. We will then send you the information material and a corresponding contract proposal.
XLEO Momentum Special
With the approval of Bitcoin ETFs in early 2024 and the Federal Reserve’s expected interest rate cuts throughout the year, the value of Bitcoin has experienced significant volatility. If Trump wins the election, a regulatory initiative for digital currencies and assets in the U.S. is expected in 2025. Additionally, based on promises made by Trump and his Vice President, J.D. Vance, it is likely that the Fed will begin purchasing Bitcoin, and potentially other digital currencies, in a structured manner in the medium term.
We anticipate that, following a Trump victory, there will be a sharp increase in demand for corporate currencies, including Leondrino, starting as early as 2025. To prepare for this, we are not only expanding our team but also accelerating the rollout of the XLEO Token.
As part of the XLEO Momentum Special, we are offering special terms for purchasing XLEO tokens before the U.S. election.
The current standard selling price for the XLEO is €0.70. Currently, the XLEO offers utility value exclusively to corporate customers of Leondrino Germany. For these clients, each XLEO has a purchasing power of €1.00. It is planned to introduce additional use cases for consumers in the future.
Consumers and retail investors can purchase XLEO tokens directly through their Leondrino Wallet with a 40% discount if the purchase is made by Election Day, November 5, 2024. For purchases made from November 6, 2024, until January 31, 2025, retail investors will receive a 20% discount. Retail investors can purchase a maximum amount of XLEO per transaction and per month, following the standard limits for Token Class C – see info page on Leondrino Token Classes.
Qualified investors and asset managers who work at a family office, VC, or token fund and want to invest larger amounts, please contact us by e-mail at Depending on the investment amount, an additional discount is available, with the XLEO Momentum Special applied based on the two deadlines.
You will receive a contract proposal for a purchase agreement (Leondrino SAFT – Simple Agreement on Future Token) and/or a loan agreement proposal with an option to convert into tokens once they are publicly available (Leondrino Convertible Note), in accordance with your investment commitment. If you’re interested, please contact us via e-mail at with the subject “XLEO Token” and the desired investment amount. We will then send you the informational materials and the corresponding contract proposal.
For further information on the XLEO Token please visit the XLEO Token info page.
Frequently Asked Questions
A Leondrino is a type of digital, tokenized currency that is issued by companies or groups of companies as part of a standardized life cycle process. After an initial establishment of a Leondrino currency as a means of payment, the advantages of money supply control (comparable to central bank money) and the technological advantages of digital currencies based on blockchain technology (also known as distributed ledger technology) are fully utilized in the mature phases of the life cycle of a corporate currency.
The main added values of corporate currencies from the issuer’s point of view include:
- Increased efficiency of customer loyalty management through the convergence of payment and loyalty management
- Optimization of global cash management
- Increased automation of payment for service processes
- Micro-payment and M2M at low transaction costs and short-term settlement
- Use of current payment data from corporate currencies for “grounding” to improve the quality of AI-based assistants, for example for predictive modeling
These measures are intended to create currencies that
- have a manageable volatility,
- are accepted as a means of payment in the ecosystem of a brand, and
- can be used globally for products under a brand umbrella.
The most important characteristics for creating a stable value of Leondrino in relation to the value of the publisher’s products are the publisher’s obligation to accept products and services and the fractional reserve policy, in particular for tokens of the top token class A.
All major elements that lead to a high level of trust in the Leondrino ecosystem are described in the ‘Governance’ section under the menu item ‘Leondrino Standard’.
The legal entity behind the Leondrino licensee of the issuing brand is taking care of the issuance and administration of Leondrino throughout their full lifecycle – from Leondrino token class E to A. In Germany, this is Leondra GmbH.
The Leondrino licensee is guided by the monetary policy previously agreed with the brand and the guidelines for Leondrino licensees, which are part of the contractual relationship with the brand. During the initial token sale phases, the price per token is set by the brand company and increases gradually. Tokens cannot be sold to other market participants before the start of the restricted trade (usually before the end of token class C). To avoid extreme volatility and to protect the respective brand name, Leondrino limits the supply of additional Leondrino according to transparent rules (monetary policy).
Those rules are influenced, for instance, by
- the number of a brand’s registered consumers
- a brand’s IP position, past revenue, and future revenue projection
- and the transaction volume in the respective currency
Leondrino is in close consultation with the relevant regulators and authorities and will apply for all necessary licenses in the respective jurisdictions in which it offers its Leondrino services.
Specifically, Leondrino Germany is preparing to apply for a license as a crypto asset service provider under the MiCA regulation to be able to offer Leondrino services for token classes B and A in the EU.
Professional investors are looking for a return on investment, i.e. to participate in the success of a brand, without necessarily getting involved in detail with the sometimes very complex corporate structures, business models and revenue streams of brands.
The main advantages for professional investors include:
- a new asset class of digital currencies secured by intellectual property and licenses and backed by the current and future business of a brand.
- a solid environment for investment strategies through a reliable monetary policy via Leondrino, applying highly transparent rules and without political influence.
- attractive returns (especially during early engagement) and stable value measured by the products and services of a brand’s ecosystem.
In general, a brand currency – like a fiat currency issued by a sovereign central bank – is subject to life cycle management. This life cycleis determined by the performance of the brand company associated with the currency, strict adherence to the monetary policy of the responsible issuer, and acceptance by consumers and investors.
In contrast to the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, whose maximum quantity is absolutely limited, Leondrino is pursuing a dynamic monetary policy defined by the number of the brand’s respective consumer base, business dynamics, and transactions for the highest token class A. The goal is to minimize volatility. As part of the approach, part of the fiat currency raised at ILO will be kept as a reserve. The expansion of the money supply and the buyback in the event of a price decline are controlled by software within certain limits. In the event of larger fluctuations, intervention by trained specialists on behalf of the Monetary Board of a corporate currency is envisaged.
If a brand ceases to exist, the associated currency will be taken from the market, once all collateral of this branded token has been liquidated and the proceeds from this collateral and the remaining excess cash reserves in fiat currency for the control of the money supply have been returned to the then remaining holders of the brand currency.
A brand currency is also delisted from Leondrino via a comparable process if both the reference value to a fiat currency (e.g. US dollar or euro) and the trading volume for this brand currency fall below a defined minimum value for a longer period of time.
Open your Leondrino Wallet now and select the brands you trust and want to invest in. You can already invest in the Leondrino currencies of first customers such as Leaf Systems GmbH or the native token of the Leondrino ecosystem, the XLEO, by opening the respective token Giro account and clicking on the BUY button there.
See the INFO tap for further information and check the news of the respective token rollout inside your Leondrino Wallet.
If you are interested to invest more money than possible via the Leondrino Wallet, then please contact us via email or give us a call. We are happy to help and to show you available options.
KYC is the abbreviation of Know Your Customer/Know Your Client. Due to anti-money laundering and counter terroris financing regulations, we are required to perform a KYC check for all Leondrino users who want to use and/or invest in branded tokens (Leondrino currencies).
The Leondrino team and the brand companies behind the Leondrino currencies need to check each investor’s identity to ensure that we comply with anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing regulations.
Depending on the token class of the token and the amount of tokens you wish to purchase as well as how you want to use the branded tokens (for paying for goods and services or as a pure investment), you must provide certain required information during your KYC check.
During a KYC Light check, you need to provide your full name and address details as well as your phone number and date of birth. You can do so by filling your data in the Leondrino Profile page of your Leondrino user account.
During a KYC ID check, you need to provide a valid government-issued ID in addition to the data requested during KYC Light check. Your government-issued ID must not be expired and must have your photograph on it.
In some cases, a KYC Video ID check may be necessary.
If you are a US citizen, you may only participate in a token sale if you provide proof of being a so-called Accredited Private Investor, as defined in Rule 501 of Regulation D issued under the Securities Act of 1933. To prove this, it is sufficient to fill out the form provided in the KYC process, namely ACCREDITED INVESTOR CERTIFICATION, and sign it, let your own tax adviser confirm it and then upload this document within your Leondrino Wallet. Done.